Creating Outstanding Opportunities for Postdoctoral Trainees in Genomic Technologies

Creating Outstanding Opportunities for Trainees (COOPT) in Genomic Technologies is a virtual symposium for prospective postdocs hosted by the Center for Advanced Genomic Technologies (CAGT). The event invites a group of prospective postdocs to present brief presentations of their own research, learn about exciting projects currently underway in CAGT, meet with current trainees, and explore future research opportunities in labs of interest during 1:1 discussions. 

How to Apply

Candidates should submit applications following instructions provided at MyResearchProposal by searching the code "CAGTCOOPT." 

Application Materials

  • CV
  • Research Statement (1 page)
  • Diversity and Outreach Statement (1 page)
  • Two letters of support

Prospective postdocs will be selected based on past experience; how their research interests fit with faculty interests, ongoing projects and other opportunities; strong record of training and scholarship; and originality of ideas that spark new and impactful lines of study in CAGT.

More Information


  • Application Window Now Open
  • October 4: Application deadline
  • Early October: Application review; postdoctoral candidiates will be selected and invited to the event
  • Spring 2022: COOPT in Genomic Technologies Event