Our Community
Andrew Scott Allen
Professor of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics
Aravind Asokan
Professor in Surgery
VirologyRNA BiologyViral EngineeringRNA EngineeringGene TherapyGene EditingGene RegulationRegenerative Medicine
Karl-Dimiter Bissig
Chen Family Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Our group is interested in diseases of the liver, ranging from viral hepatitis to metabolic liver disorders and liver cancer. The lab specializes in human liver chimeric mice and created the first xenograft model for metabolic liver disease as well as a novel patient derived cancer model. We…
Nenad Bursac
Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Embryonic and adult stem cell therapies for heart and muscle disease; cardiac and skeletal muscle tissue engineering; cardiac electrophysiology and arrhythmias; genetic modifications of stem and somatic cells; micropatterning of proteins and hydrogels.
Pranam D. Chatterjee
Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Integration of computational and experimental methodologies to design novel proteins for applications in genome editing, targeted protein modulation, and reproductive bioengineering
Jen-Tsan Ashley Chi
Professor in Molecular Genetics and Microbiology
We are using functional genomic approaches to investigate the nutrient signaling and stress adaptations of cancer cells when exposed to various nutrient deprivations and microenvironmental stress conditions. Recently, we focus on two areas. First, we are elucidating the genetic determinants…
Emma Jean Chory
Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Maria Ciofani
Associate Professor of Integrative Immunobiology
Gregory E. Crawford
Professor in Pediatrics
Sandeep S. Dave
Wellcome Clinical Distinguished Professor of Medicine
Yarui Diao
Assistant Professor of Cell Biology
1. Gene regulation of muscle regeneration.2. Genomics technology development.3. Genetic and epigenetic control of rhabdomyosarcoma.
Charles Gersbach
John W. Strohbehn Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Gene therapy, genomics and epigenomics, biomolecular and cellular engineering, regenerative medicine, and synthetic biology.
Raluca Mihaela Gordan
Associate Professor in Biostatistics & Bioinformatics
Simon Gray Gregory
Margaret Harris and David Silverman Distinguished Professor
Brain tumorsMultiple Sclerosis
Alzheimer Disease
Application of single cell and spatial technologies to basic and translational research
Alexander J. Hartemink
Professor of Computer Science
John Wirthlin Hickey
Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Using and developing systems biology tools and technologies to describe and control spatial relationships between cells in tissues, particularly in cell therapies.
Josh Huang
Duke School of Medicine Distinguished Professor in Neuroscience
Boris Kantor
Research Professor of Neurobiology
Cameron M Kim
Assistant Professor of the Practice in the Department of Biomedical Engineering
Education advances in biomolecular/cellular engineering, mathematical modeling of biological systems, biotechnology design, and integrating ethics in BME curriculum. Expanding authentic research experiences in undergraduate education.
Craig Lowe
Assistant Professor of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology
William Majoros
Assistant Professor of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics
Probabilistic machine learning Bayesian graphical models Structured prediction Interpretation/prioritization of genetic variants in disease RNA splicing Gene regulation Computational linguistics - formal grammars and parsing Syntactic structure and memetic evolution in complex bird song…Anoop Patel
Associate Professor of Neurosurgery
My research lab focuses on using single-cell sequencing techniques to study intratumoral heterogeneity in malignant brain tumors. Intratumoral heterogeneity is the idea that individual cancer cells within a patient’s tumor are different and can respond differently to treatments. I also have…
Kenneth Daniel Poss
James B. Duke Distinguished Professor of Regenerative Biology
Timothy E Reddy
Associate Professor of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics,
Adrianna Katrina San Roman
Assistant Professor of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology
Current research areas utilize our core methodologic expertise in functional genomics, epigenetics, molecular biology, and bioinformatics and include 1) investigating the mechanisms by which epigenetic and transcriptional regulators encoded on the X and Y chromosomes influence global gene…
Svati Hasmukh Shah
Ursula Geller Distinguished Professor of Research in Cardiovascular Diseases
Debra Lynn Silver
Professor of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology
Clare Smith
Assistant Professor of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology
Scott Haydn Soderling
George Barth Geller Distinguished Professor of Molecular Biology
Beth Ann Sullivan
James B. Duke Distinguished Professor
Purushothama Rao Tata
Associate Professor of Cell Biology
Dmitry Velmeshev
Assistant Professor of Neurobiology
G. Greg Wang
Professor of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology
Anne Elizabeth West
Professor of Neurobiology
Kris Cameron Wood
Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology
Gregory Allan Wray
Professor of Biology
Eda Yildirim
Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Cell Biology
Yi Zhang
Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery
Machine Learning Methods for OmicsWe develop computational methods leveraging interpretable machine learning models, large-scale single-cell genomics data, and multi-omic datatypes like spatial transcriptomics and multiomics.
Multi-Cellular Tumor MicroenvironmentTumor, like many…