Duke School of Medicine Distinguished Professor in Neuroscience
We study the development and function of cortical circuits underlying motor control and cognitive processing. Our research program integrates multi-faceted approaches from genetic engineering to single-cell genomics, developmental neurobiology, imaging, electrophysiology, and behavioral analyses, and aims to link fundamental neuroscience to the understanding and treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders.
Appointments and Affiliations
- Duke School of Medicine Distinguished Professor in Neuroscience
- Professor of Neurobiology
- Professor of Cell Biology
- Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Contact Information
- Office Location: 311 Research Drive, Box 3209, Durham, NC 27710
- Email Address: josh.huang@duke.edu
- Websites:
- Ph.D. Brandeis University, 1995
Awards, Honors, and Distinctions
- Elected Member. American Academy of Arts & Sciences. 2022
Courses Taught
- NEUROSCI 494: Research Independent Study 2
- NEUROSCI 493: Research Independent Study 1
- NEUROBIO 793: Research in Neurobiology
- NEUROBIO 719: Concepts in Neuroscience I: Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology
- CMB 710F: Cell & Molecular Biology Module VI
- CMB 710E: Cell & Molecular Biology Module V
In the News
- New RNA-Based Tool Can Illuminate Brain Circuits, Edit Specific Cells (Oct 5, 2…
- University Awards 24 New Distinguished Professorships (May 18, 2022)
- Four Faculty Elected to American Academy of Arts & Sciences (Apr 28, 2022)
- Duke Neuroscientist Co-Leads Massive Effort to Map Brain (Oct 6, 2021)
Representative Publications
- Matthews, Elizabeth A., Jeffrey B. Russ, Yongjun Qian, Shengli Zhao, Peyton Thompson, Muhib Methani, Matthew L. Vestal, Z. Josh Huang, and Derek G. Southwell. “RNA-programmable cell type monitoring and manipulation in the human cortex with CellREADR.,” December 6, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.12.03.626590.
- Li, Yi, Xu An, Patrick J. Mulcahey, Yongjun Qian, X Hermione Xu, Shengli Zhao, Hemanth Mohan, et al. “Cortico-thalamic communication for action coordination in a skilled motor sequence.,” October 30, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.10.25.563871.
- Zhao, Rui, Baihui Ren, Yujie Xiao, Jifeng Tian, Yi Zou, Jiafan Wei, Yanqing Qi, et al. “Axo-axonic synaptic input drives homeostatic plasticity by tuning the axon initial segment structurally and functionally.” Sci Adv 10, no. 31 (August 2, 2024): eadk4331. https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.adk4331.
- Raudales, Ricardo, Gukhan Kim, Sean M. Kelly, Joshua Hatfield, Wuqiang Guan, Shengli Zhao, Anirban Paul, Yongjun Qian, Bo Li, and Z Josh Huang. “Specific and comprehensive genetic targeting reveals brain-wide distribution and synaptic input patterns of GABAergic axo-axonic interneurons.” ELife 13 (July 16, 2024). https://doi.org/10.7554/elife.93481.3.
- Raudales, Ricardo, Gukhan Kim, Sean M. Kelly, Joshua Hatfield, Wuqiang Guan, Shengli Zhao, Anirban Paul, Yongjun Qian, Bo Li, and Z Josh Huang. “Specific and comprehensive genetic targeting reveals brain-wide distribution and synaptic input patterns of GABAergic axo-axonic interneurons.,” March 25, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.11.07.566059.